“He who is contented is rich” ~ Lao Tzu

Being deeply grateful for what you have is the key to happiness. It is believed by people who practice awareness that there are unlimited things for us to be grateful for. Gratefulness comes more easily with humility and having respect for others but with minimal or no expectations. It is important to remember that we need to focus on the good we have and not on what we don’t have.

In spiritual retreats and programs we are asked to list five or ten reasons every night for which we ought to be grateful and in just a few days beautiful changes start taking place – we feel more at peace and our anxiety levels reduce. It is also amazing that the reasons for which we need to be grateful also keep increasing more and more.

Lets welcome gratitude and contentment in our thoughts and actions and be happy. What more do we need? 🙂




Cheers friends and have a lovely weekend 🙂


About Dilip

An open mind! Love to share my thoughts and a keenness to learn. An engineer and a MBA I had a wonderful innings in the Army and later moved to consultancy and teaching. My current interests are music and growing culinary herbs. Love to play golf and do yoga regularly. I am serious on "Living life less seriously". A warm welcome to you be well and be cheerful always.

94 responses »

  1. Richard Parr says:

    The richness of heart is the key to happiness, not exterior accumulation of possessions and money. Your article rings truth.


  2. FlaHam says:

    These are powerful words that can and should stir emotions deep in our being. Thank you for sharing them with me. Take care, Bill


  3. A wonderful reminder. Thank you for posting this. 🙂


  4. Reblogged this on The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap and commented:
    This is one of those things I needed to see. And want to share. So beautifully simple. So helpful. A big cyber hug to all my cyber friends.


  5. Bravo to this post. The message sustains me through most everything. To be alive offers so many incredible miracles. Your site was suggested to me because we share cyber friends in common. Really glad I stopped by and too the time to look around and found this. ❤ Paulette


  6. I love this post and i agree when you say”Enjoy every second is a precious gift” That’s good and true. C’est une juste et belle façon d’envisager la vie 🙂
    Merci de transmettre cette belle philosophie


  7. Freya says:

    I sometimes need to remind myself of that but it’s so true. Lovely words again


    • dilipnaidu says:

      For people like you Freya who are into challenging sports such as trekking on tough terrain and enjoying Gods own natural beauty it may not be applicable 🙂 For other mundane folk yes its true.

      Thank you and regards.


  8. What a beautiful quote and message! It is so true.


  9. I’ve always thought that to stop wanting is to stop living. But what you say makes sense too. Perhaps there is a way to reconcile the two concepts. Anyway, great post!


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Thanks Krish I agree with you on ‘to stop wanting’ is utopian. And yes reconciliation is workable we can stop short of greed zone.

      Many thanks for stopping by. Regards.


  10. That is a meaningful words. We can be contented that we are healthy and surrounded by our loving people. Not easy for some people though, as it is human’s nature to want more. I ever heard this quote, too: He who is able to give (sincerely) is rich. So, it is not about the amount of your money. Beautiful post, Dilip!


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Many many thanks Indah for your kind response. I agree with you it is not easy at all for most of us. And yes “Giving without strings attached” is a beautiful way to reach a state of contentment.

      Wish you the best of health and happiness always. Cheers 🙂


  11. We fail to recognize the gift of contentment until we no longer have it. You are wise to remind us.


  12. luchanik says:

    How true you words are, Dilip! We have so much to be grateful for, when there are so many who don’t have some of the things we take for granted and they are still grateful and happy. Then who are we to not count our blessings? Thank you for writing this – it is something that we all should print out and put next to our bed or on our refrigerator, and look at every day.


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Welcome Davinder and many thanks for your lovely comments. Your words “Then who are we to not count our blessings”? ring so true. I know because I need to take special care to remind myself to count my blessings.

      With kind regards


  13. I guess it is easier said than done. 🙂

    What helps is to keep trying. Remind yourself of all the simple but great things in your life. If you forget, remind yourself again.

    I am learning that struggling to get better at such peace inducing habits is better than doing nothing at all.

    I am grateful for the little things that I always take for-granted. I am grateful that I drove to work this morning and arrived safely.

    Thank you Dilip for reminding me. 🙂


    • dilipnaidu says:

      It is so kind of you Atuhairwe for such lovely comments. You are right it’s not ease we need to make a firm commitment to practice it progressively.

      Of course the reminder very much applies to me too.

      Thank you and kind regards 🙂


  14. rommel says:

    It is in human nature that contentment comes and goes quickly. We don’t want to get stuck-ed doing and having the same things. Contentment with having to be grateful, not envious, and find satisfaction and not ask too much. It goes hand and hand with inner happiness.


  15. Gratitude is so important. It helps us center ourselves and really make the most of the world around us. Thank-you for this much-needed post!


  16. sindhoooo says:

    Highly inspiring words Dilip! Keep posting such energetic thoughts… Let the optimism spread 🙂

    The Arts & Me


  17. Madhu says:

    You are so right Dilip. Counting our blessings is the key to happiness. Thank you for your timely reminders 🙂


  18. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing!


  19. girish kohli says:

    Thank you sir for the beautiful article on gratitude and it gives us more reasons to be happy and lively living in the moment with ease and comfort and appreciation of life.


    Girish kohli

    With profound regards,

    Girish kohli


  20. girish kohli says:

    Thank you sir for the wonderful insights for being grateful as I am experiencing continuously the immense benifits of writing daily the gratitude journal.

    With profound regards,

    Girish kohli


  21. Subhanallah

    Beautiful words and meaningful
    indeed true that gratitude with what we have to make our hearts a sense of calm and away from anxiety

    Sign of peace is always


  22. Tina Schell says:

    How very true Dilip! Thanks for the very important thoughtM


  23. dannadesigns says:

    Very inspirational post!


  24. renu says:

    Beautiful message ! At any given time, we have so much to be grateful for.


  25. Binky says:

    The more we have, the more we take for granted, and it seems the more we want. What we really need are the basic things in life, and we are not usually grateful for them, though we should be.


  26. Oh yesss…. absolutely true! And every second we have there is the chance for our karma to do something great for someone else 🙂


  27. A most wonderful post Dilip, and what more indeed do we want? other than to find Peace within .. Once we achieve this state of being, is amazing how our outer world starts to reflect back that which we feel..

    I often think Dilip if only we could get the whole world to sit for half an hour at the same time and fill themselves up with this peace…. How different a world we could then experience!…

    I am so very grateful for my own little haven of peace and so thankful of that Peace I have… All I can do is send my own peaceful thoughts out to those troubled spots around our globe, and pray they too may look within their own turbulent hearts and one day hope they too will find the peace they seek, without destroying the Peace through War..

    Blessings and have a wonderful week Dilip..


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Thank you Sue for such kind and meaningful thoughts. What you say is exactly what ‘being grateful’ is. Even to imagine the awesome peace that will prevail if the entire world sends out positive vibrations together it would surely be ‘heaven on earth’.

      And yes like you even I wish to sit in quiet for a few minutes each day and send out good wishes for all. And that itself give us considerable peace of mind.

      As an ex-army man I do strongly endorse your sentiments on world peace through friendly relations and and economic cooperation.

      I cherish your blessings Sue.



  28. So true! A wonderful reminder to appreciate what we have.


  29. Rekha says:

    So true. If we start being grateful for things that we have starting with just one every day, we will definitely get rid of our anxieties and insecurities. No need for spiritual retreats, gurus and programs. Self-realization!


  30. Heta Gala says:

    Lovely 🙂 Like I always said, The key to our happiness lies in our own hand. Be happy, keep less expectation, learn the art of forgive, keep no grudges and respect yourself.


  31. utesmile says:

    Dilip, this is a wonderful post. I do love the “sketches in stillnes cartoons” too. Gratitude is one of the best things to make your life fuller and richer. Many preople do forget abou thte most simple things in life nad to be grateful for these. Thank you for this wonderful reminder!


  32. ssbonsor says:

    Reblogged this on God and Love and commented:
    “What more do I want?” Dear Dilip, This is a great idea! Contentment! “Man minus desires equals God.” Actually, if one thinks about it, our requirements are very few to live. If only we can restrict to essentials, we would be much happier, won’t we?
    Love and Blessings. Surinder


    • Dilip says:

      Thank you dear sir for your gracious words and the ‘reblog’! An honor indeed.

      “Man minus desires equals God” is true and must be kept foremost in our minds.

      Kindest regards.


  33. aFrankAngle says:

    Once one is able to distinguish wants and needs, then they can identify and appreciate thanks.


  34. Hello Sir,

    What do we want more…. really a deep thinking lies beneath. Sometimes we may feel stalled or that nothing is quite clicking, but that’s when it’s important to practice gratitude for things like breathing.

    “In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.” ~Brother David Steindl-Rast



    • Dilip says:

      Dear Supriya reading your thoughtful response fills me with immense pride. I am sure you would get many opportunities to practice your spiritual philosophy in your HR world and nothing can be more satisfying.

      Oh I love the quote by Brother David Steindl-Rast and would surely like to use it at an opportune moment.

      Be blessed.


  35. Contentment and happiness somehow go hand in hand…the people who not only know this but follow this have true wisdom…really need of the hour article…good stuff Dilip


    • Dilip says:

      Firstly welcome to my space Chaitali! What you say is so true it is not knowing and appreciating but practicing it that works wonders. I am fortunate to have a mentor who we have watched actually doing this from deep within her heart. And we all do get inspired to follow.

      Kind regards and thanks.


  36. Bikramjit says:

    Amen to that and letss. Yes..
    Life will be beautiful if we are able to do it..


  37. Life itself is a gift..the joy of being alive with sound senses… 🙂 nice one Dilip…


  38. What a wonderful reminder that I have everything and I am grateful about it.
    Thanks for this inspirational post Dilip!


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Hi Charu it’s so nice to hear from you. I was touched by the words in the image and what I wrote was from my heart. Thank you too and best wishes to you for providing relief to your patients.

      Cheers 🙂


  39. Worrying about what we don’t have only makes us feel miserable. We fail to notice all the good things around us until one day all we are left with is …expectations. Gratitude indeed, my dear Dilip. Thank you and a beautiful weekend to you. 🙂


  40. seeker says:

    I couldn’t agree more. Gratitude increases our zest and love for life and for God. Blessings.


  41. BloomLisa says:

    So beautiful and just what I needed to hear right now, bless!!!


  42. Pamela says:

    Needed this so much now..
    Feelings like I have lost everything, haunt me..
    But yes gratitude as you say, will heal me…


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