Cute Mouse Never Give Up

“Don’t give up, okay ?    
I know you’ve been hurt,
I know how it feels.
Believe me, I do.
But the feeling will pass.
The tears will stop falling.
Your heart will heal itself.”

(by anon)


“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.”~ Dr. Roopleen

Lets all resolve to “Never Give Up”! And have a beautiful week-end my dear friends 🙂

About Dilip

An open mind! Love to share my thoughts and a keenness to learn. An engineer and a MBA I had a wonderful innings in the Army and later moved to consultancy and teaching. My current interests are music and growing culinary herbs. Love to play golf and do yoga regularly. I am serious on "Living life less seriously". A warm welcome to you be well and be cheerful always.

73 responses »

  1. SJ says:

    This Inspirational quote is Timeless. Post before this one was 6 years ago. Time is but an illusion.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your motivational quotes..this is really what I need today. Please keep it coming!! 🙂


  3. Sunny says:

    Yes, We should never give up on our dreams. Thank you for good thoughts.


  4. I am enjoying looking around your blog.
    Every post I have looked at is a gem.
    A gem of wisdom or positive motivation.
    I learned another meaning to a symbol Sue Dreamwalked uses.
    I only knew it as Namaste “I bow to the God within you.”
    It is a symbol I like and also use, I was pleased to learn it is also a symbol for the lotous flower.
    All is good with the right attitude. _/\_


  5. Freya says:

    Very wise words


  6. You have written very well. We all really struggle to get what we want from life. Sometimes we are forced to give up few things depending on situation but my feeling is if you are quite sure and confident, you will have to face many challenges. We need to make ourself so strong that no one can stop us doing things.


  7. luchanik says:

    Again, another very well said and inspirational piece. Thank you!


  8. kipyang says:

    I won’t quit and I will NEVER GIVE UP! Thank you for this reminder! 🙂


  9. As Long As You Are Alive Anything Is Possible
    The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and free) you have the choice to keep trying until you finally succeed.

    Be Realistic
    The chance of mastering something the first time you do it is almost non-existent. Everything takes time to learn and you will make mistakes. Learn from them.

    You Are Strong
    You are stronger than you think. One little setback is not enough to stop you from achieving your goals. Neither are 10 or 100 or 1000 setbacks.

    Prove Yourself
    You don’t want to be known as someone that is weak and gives up. Go out there and prove yourself to the world and to yourself. You CAN and WILL achieve what you set out to do. The only time you fail is when you give up.

    Has It Been Done Before?
    If someone else can do it then so can you. Even if it is only one other person in the world that has achieved what you have set out to achieve, that should be reason enough for you to never give up.

    Believe In Your Dreams
    Don’t sell yourself short. In life there are going to be many people who will try to bring you down and tell you what you want to achieve is not possible. Don’t let anyone destroy your dreams.

    Your Family and Friends.
    Let the people you love and who mean the world to you be your inspiration to persist and persevere. Maybe you need to try a different angle, study more or practice more but don’t give up!

    You Deserve To Be Happy
    Don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to have success. Keep that mindset and never give up until you reach your destination!

    Inspire Others
    Be an inspiration to others by refusing to give up. Who knows what someone else can achieve because you never gave up and in turn inspired them not to give up.

    You Are So Close
    Often when you feel like you want to give up and you are about to give up you are so close to making a huge break-through. Seth Godin has written an awesome book about this called “The Dip” – a riveting read that teaches that at any given time you are always just a heartbeat away from success.



  10. So simple yet so profound…lovely poem


  11. jannatwrites says:

    Great message, and an adorable photo to go with (there’s just something about a mouse wearing a helmet that makes me giggle 🙂 )


  12. Rachna says:

    Amen to that thought!


  13. Awww absolutely!! Let’s keep moving forward, even when obstacles try to stop us. We’ll make it 🙂 I like the positive post, my friend.


  14. sindhoooo says:

    Highly inspiring words! The picture is so apt for it!

    The Arts & Me


  15. Robin says:

    It is odd, but this post is like reading a response to what I wrote today about procrastinating and feeling like I have hit a wall writing poetry. Thank you for the inspiring words and the message 🙂


  16. aFrankAngle says:

    A great reminder … and the mouse with the helmet made me laugh.


  17. Binky says:

    Those who persevere usually win in the end. Those who give up never win.
    Go mouse, go!


  18. “The tears will stop falling.” Yes, they always do.
    These are beautiful words, Dilip.

    Love the mouse. The helmet, a very smart move. 🙂


  19. Tina Schell says:

    LOL Dilip. Love the mouse in the helmet!!! (and the message of course 🙂


  20. Heta Gala says:

    Nice message Dilip. In life,we have such times when things dont work our way. It hurts very badly. Cry it out once but never cry again. Instead work for the solution. Never ever give up .!


  21. Wonderful inspiration dear Dillip. love that little mouse.. I resolve to keep on keeping on… 🙂 and together we shall over come. 🙂
    Enjoy your Sunday too my friend.. Sue xox


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Ha Ha that’s a very positive resolve dear Sue. Yes and together we surely shall over come 🙂

      Thanks you Sue and kindest wishes to you too 🙂
      Dilip xox


  22. ShethP says:

    I kinda needed this. Love the quote… Thanks for the reminder! 🙂


  23. Madhu says:

    Thank you for the reminder Dilip. A great weekend to you too.


  24. It needs to be said in words.
    When you feel threatened, do not stop, put on a helmet to protect yourself & keep going.
    If a mouse can do that, why belittle the creature, HE is a Guru. Follow HIM.


  25. Beautiful advice, my dear friend!
    A very happy weekend to you too! 🙂


  26. utesmile says:

    This is so important…… And we need reminding always that you.


  27. BTW Dilip , I request you to read this short story of mine…

    Let me know what you think about it…. 🙂


  28. So true..we have to reach our goal and for that we must find out the way..if one is closed then the other…. 🙂


  29. pandoratears says:

    Rigolotte la souris


  30. Good article Dilip….


  31. soumyav says:

    beautiful thought and the pic is real cute! the lil one too inspires!


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