This beautiful poem is worth reading and reflecting upon. The conversation with God in the poem reveals that God expects us to take responsibility for all our actions. Be it to free ourselves  of our ego, or to develop the virtue of patience and happiness.  He gives us the opportunity to develop in us the virtues of fortitude and courage when pain and trouble come our way.  But finally God does bless us – when our life’s quest becomes one of love and helpfulness for others. 

About Dilip

An open mind! Love to share my thoughts and a keenness to learn. An engineer and a MBA I had a wonderful innings in the Army and later moved to consultancy and teaching. My current interests are music and growing culinary herbs. Love to play golf and do yoga regularly. I am serious on "Living life less seriously". A warm welcome to you be well and be cheerful always.

50 responses

  1. Ysabel Klara says:

    I cannot tell you just how much this poem has helped me. It really made my day! Thanks for sharing:)


  2. This poem is beautiful, my friend. Let us keep helping others!


  3. exactly the words which we all need to read….i needed it! thank you for sharing.


  4. Megha Patel says:

    2011-2012, those two years were a struggle for me. I asked and asked and when I received, it was a temporary happiness. The next year, I learned the hard way – saw the struggles of family, friends and even when they solved the problems, another quickly replaced it – they were still unhappy. That is exactly how I was – in a constant search for happiness and peace, when all along it was within me. It is how I choose to use my abilities and senses – vision, speech, hearing..etc. This poem definitely describes the process I underwent to be who I am today. Soon I will learn more, understand even more and become complete other person – just as the cells shed and every day a bit of the body is altered.

    Thanks for sharing a wonderful poem!


  5. A poignant poem with a perfect ending. God is Love.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


  6. quite an inspiring poem, an eloquent sum up of life lessons. thanks for the reminder 🙂


  7. Madhu says:

    We do tend to forget that God helps those who help themselves. Thanks for the reminder Dilip.


  8. anshulrautela says:

    Beautiful lines.. so true.. 🙂


  9. luchaniktravel says:

    This is beautiful – I’m definitely going to read it to my 4 year old Chandi. She will absolutely love it.


  10. wonderful deep thoughts – message oriented
    with regards


  11. jlpiallat says:

    Coucou ami(e) blogueur

    Je t’ai nominé (e) pour le Versatile Blogger Award

    J’espère que celà te plaira

    Voic i le lien pour y accéder, et voir quelques règles ” très gentilles ”

    Toutes mes félicitations, et bonne continuation, cher(e) ami (e)


  12. lauralistar says:

    Love this ❤ Much needed. Thank you!


  13. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    This is good. Really like this – especially pride. You have to give it up.


  14. shreejacob says:

    Now that’s an awesome poem! Thank you for sharing 🙂


  15. Binky says:

    The traits we value the most are the ones that are difficult to achieve. Though we often tend to create the difficulties ourselves.


  16. Arindam Saha says:

    very beautiful! Namaste 🙂


  17. Dilip, that was truly Enlightening & has made my Day!!
    Would like to say,
    And, finally, God shows appreciation for our realisation of his intent in wanting us to be in his likeness of making our life’s quest an attitude of love and helpfulness toward his Creation!
    God Bless you for giving us a spiritual Head-start Today!


    • Dilip says:

      Dear Sunder I love the way you interpret the essence of the little prayer ~ “God shows appreciation for our realization of his intent in wanting us to be in his likeness of making our life’s quest an attitude of love and helpfulness toward his Creation”

      Thanks my friend.


  18. safetyharborwoman says:

    Wow. I might frame this one. Thanks. 🙂


  19. seeker says:

    Yes, I believe these are graces that God said No. And that God prunes away our impurities that we may become fruitful like an apple tree. God Bless.


  20. …sounds simple – as it should be!
    Thank you, Dilip for this enlightening post!
