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The above quote got me thinking. Praying to God is easy because we are in the asking mode – give us good health, peace of mind or forgiveness. We may even thank God for the day and for taking care of us.

But why is it difficult to find God in the smallest of things? Perhaps the author believes that the universe and all that is in it is a manifestation of God. We can see and feel God through the beauty of flowers, the vastness of the ocean, the tranquility of the lake and calm of watching the morning dew on a leaf. All the forces and natural laws around us are also His creation.

But because our minds are cluttered chasing material things and embroiled in our competitive life that we fail to notice the presence of His creations. It is only a calm mind in a state of full awareness that can enjoy natures bounty and draw strength by feeling the presence of the Almighty.

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle” ~ Albert Einstein

About Dilip

An open mind! Love to share my thoughts and a keenness to learn. An engineer and a MBA I had a wonderful innings in the Army and later moved to consultancy and teaching. My current interests are music and growing culinary herbs. Love to play golf and do yoga regularly. I am serious on "Living life less seriously". A warm welcome to you be well and be cheerful always.

47 responses

  1. Alok Singhal says:

    A simple post but quite deep in meaning. I think if you have to find God, love nature…he is there somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, I think we should give thanks to God for every thing He has given us in life- lovely post!


  3. Very cute picture…and yes God’s essence is in all things, especially living things. Sometimes it is nice to sit back, take a quiet breath and appreciate God’s gifts to us and this world we call home.



  4. I watched a bumble bee for 15 minutes today as he went about way in my bush today! It was beautiful to watch! I felt the same way when I sit back taking time to smell the roses meditating on the very small things in my life and i realize always that everything big and small are always full of blessings…just seek and you will find! Wonderful post my friend! God bless!


    • Dilip says:

      Dear Wendell the bumble experience is indeed beautiful. Being aware of Gods creation and every thing around us is true meditation. You indeed are blessed.

      Many thanks and regards.


  5. Celeste says:

    Thank you for this, my firend. It is what I need to read today.


  6. I wrote about this subject in a post a while back, about worshiping God in day-to-day things I hope you like it here is the link…
    Blessings to you dear friend. πŸ™‚


    • Dilip says:

      Thank you my friend for giving me a link that amplifies the question in my post. I read your article and enjoyed it immensely.
      Thank you again and be very well.
      Cheers πŸ™‚


  7. Hi Dilip,

    What jumps out at me are your words, ” But because our minds are cluttered chasing material things and embroiled in our competitive life that we fail to notice the presence of His creations…”

    How could we avoid this mind clutter as we follow our aspirations and commitment in an unforgiving, complex world?



    • Dilip says:

      Hello Shakti,

      You question is perfectly valid. I must admit I have not been entirely successful in achieving that state myself. As you also may be aware that most spiritual teachings suggest ‘meditation’ and as one of the ways.

      Many thanks for your stimulating comment. Kind regards.


  8. Geetha says:

    Thank you for this lovely post, Sir!

    Am sure Mother Teresa saw God in each and every person whom she served.




    • dilipnaidu says:

      Hello Geetha its been long and trust you are doing well πŸ™‚

      Oh yes there can’t be a better example than Mother Teresa whose entire life saw God in others.

      Thank you and best regards.


  9. SUHAS says:

    Finding God in smallest things

    God exists in the smallest (say very common) things but we do not realize this; we only take for granted .
    You must have seen Amir Khan’s LAGAN .Only a farmer facing drought at a critical stage can imagine the happiness of signs of rain. Rain is yet to start, but he sees God in the initial rain drops.
    I doubt if this thrill can be imagined by those who have not waited for rain & water for a whole year.
    People look for God in Banaras, Rameshwar etc. Come on man; do not go that far He is in you. And you are just a small fry in this universe.

    Lord told Arj. Only 3 words β€œTat Twam Asi”.

    God is everywhere; in the fresh flowers, in the chirping of birds, in the stone which is being worked on by a sculpture. (I have royally borrowed this from your earlier blog. Excuse.)
    Existence of God may not be a miracle, but our search is.
    Thank you Dilip for so many things.


    • dilipnaidu says:

      My dear friend Suhas this comment seems to come straight from the heart. The Lagan example is beautiful and touching. And we in India end summer see our farmers shielding their eyes and looking expectantly and prayerfully at the sky waiting for the onset of monsoons.

      The three words “Tat Twam Asi” (thou art that) is powerful.

      And yes – God is everywhere; in the fresh flowers, in the chirping of birds, in the stone which is being worked on by a sculpture.

      I thank you my friend πŸ™‚


  10. K Sriram says:

    Dear Sir,

    The reason is ‘identity’ and our sense of SELF. We all know the interconnectedness of our existence, perhaps to a certain extent even appreciate it, however we fail to make this appreciation a part of our awareness thanks to the self limiting identification with the physical body.

    Since we are so identified with the ‘boundary’ of us in physical form, we fail to see that every meal of ours, every breath of ours, is ‘invasion’ of the ‘external’ into US!

    So what is this boundary all about? isn’t it the ‘accumulation’ of breakfast lunch & dinner over the years – transformed into cells, nerves, muscles, bones & flesh? so whither is the ‘me’ – the food was ‘outside’ me – ‘crossed over’ into ‘me’ – became ‘me’ – so what is then NOT me? This is a simple way of ‘expanding’ our ‘me’…

    Then the rigid identity starts falling – we seek beyond the boundary & physicality and then we realize that everything and anything in this Universe is but a different form of ‘me’.

    This Bigness & smallness is all related to the physical. if we move in the subtle direction, whats big & small? from solid to liquid to gaseous to space – as we move – size and shape seem to just vanish and there is nothing but endlessness infinity everywhere.

    This ‘prayer’ is another way of getting to remind us that we are NOT what the physical form & boundary limit ‘us’ to.




    • Dilip says:

      Beautiful exposition on the post theme. Yes the bigness and smallness is only the peripheral and it is the subtle awareness that is real. Which means no forms nor shape.

      Many thanks dear Sriram.
      Cheers πŸ™‚


  11. Binky says:

    I think this is why most surveys find that people in poorer countries are happier. They are not concerned so much with material things, and are able to appreciate the small things and the beauty all around us that most of us fail to notice. (I did a comic on this theme a while back.)


  12. Patty B says:

    So true – there is an old saying, “stop and smell the roses”, such a simple thing to do and how many roses do we not stop and admire because we are in a hurry? The same is said about finding God in our every day lives. Have you heard of Brother Lawrence? He was a monk that lived hundreds of years ago, he found God even in washing the dishes. Now that is a peaceful life. Blessings ~


    • dilipnaidu says:

      Oh what a beautiful and apt response from you Patty. “Stop and smell the roses” is so right. The wise Buddha once said “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.”

      I would love to read on Brother Lawrence through Google. Yes seeing God in even in washing dishes is exactly what the Quote meant?

      Many Thanks & regards!


  13. Naren Chauhan says:

    Greetings! we absolute need to remember God’s creations.


  14. Exactly, dear Dilip, starting with the air we breath!
    Thank you for those beautiful thoughts!


  15. gardenerat60 says:

    Good to see a post from you after a long time.


  16. gardenerat60 says:

    The second paragraphs is felt by people like us who have tended to our own gardens.
    We are not spiritually evolved yet, but do feel His presence everytime we see those creations, and also feel His presence in the sight of the oceans, and the calming waves of the lakes.


  17. Rakesh says:

    Lovely thoughts sir.
    I always believed that we needn’t die to go to heaven, (or hell for that matter). The bliss that we find in the many small things in life is what I call heaven.
    May you find heaven in everything you do!
    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  18. Dilip says:

    Thanks that’s very encouraging! Regards.


  19. Betsy Cross says:

    Yes. This is the only way to peace and joy.
